Oratory Now Workshop: Connecting with a Live Audience

Oratory Now Workshop: Connecting with a Live Audience
Monday, February 4th, 10:30am-12:00pm, Morse B106
Sign up: go.miis.edu/oratory (space is limited to 18 participants)

Workshop Description

We are excited to announce that Ben Powers, Director of Programming and Training with Oratory Now at Middlebury College, will be returning to the Institute to host another oratory and presentation skills workshop. During this interactive and practical 90-minute session, you will:

  • Identify your strengths as a presenter and develop a speaking profile.
  • Use targeted Oratory Games to tune your style to your next audience, whether it is one person or a hundred.
  • With your colleagues, build a collection of tips for connecting with a live audience.

Oratory Now is Middlebury’s student-driven, faculty-directed center for training and research in oral expression. Please note that space will be limited to 18 participants, please sign up.